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Iterator Pattern

To make an object iterable and to make it appear like a collection of objects.
2 years ago
Design Patterns: Behavioural

To make an object iterable and to make it appear like a collection of objects.

Note - Standard PHP Library (SPL) defines an interface Iterator which is best suited for this! Often you would want to implement the Countable interface too, to allow count($object) on your iterable object




namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Iterator;

class Book
    public function __construct(private string $title, private string $author)

    public function getAuthor(): string
        return $this->author;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return $this->title;

    public function getAuthorAndTitle(): string
        return $this->getTitle() . ' by ' . $this->getAuthor();


namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Iterator;

use Countable;
use Iterator;

class BookList implements Countable, Iterator
    * @var Book[]
    private array $books = [];
    private int $currentIndex = 0;

    public function addBook(Book $book)
        $this->books[] = $book;

    public function removeBook(Book $bookToRemove)
        foreach ($this->books as $key => $book) {
            if ($book->getAuthorAndTitle() === $bookToRemove->getAuthorAndTitle()) {

        $this->books = array_values($this->books);

    public function count(): int
        return count($this->books);

    public function current(): Book
        return $this->books[$this->currentIndex];

    public function key(): int
        return $this->currentIndex;

    public function next()

    public function rewind()
        $this->currentIndex = 0;

    public function valid(): bool
        return isset($this->books[$this->currentIndex]);


namespace DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Iterator\Tests;

use DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Iterator\Book;
use DesignPatterns\Behavioral\Iterator\BookList;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class IteratorTest extends TestCase
    public function testCanIterateOverBookList()
        $bookList = new BookList();
        $bookList->addBook(new Book('Learning PHP Design Patterns', 'William Sanders'));
        $bookList->addBook(new Book('Professional Php Design Patterns', 'Aaron Saray'));
        $bookList->addBook(new Book('Clean Code', 'Robert C. Martin'));

        $books = [];

        foreach ($bookList as $book) {
            $books[] = $book->getAuthorAndTitle();

                'Learning PHP Design Patterns by William Sanders',
                'Professional Php Design Patterns by Aaron Saray',
                'Clean Code by Robert C. Martin',

    public function testCanIterateOverBookListAfterRemovingBook()
        $book = new Book('Clean Code', 'Robert C. Martin');
        $book2 = new Book('Professional Php Design Patterns', 'Aaron Saray');

        $bookList = new BookList();

        $books = [];
        foreach ($bookList as $book) {
            $books[] = $book->getAuthorAndTitle();

            ['Professional Php Design Patterns by Aaron Saray'],

    public function testCanAddBookToList()
        $book = new Book('Clean Code', 'Robert C. Martin');

        $bookList = new BookList();

        $this->assertCount(1, $bookList);

    public function testCanRemoveBookFromList()
        $book = new Book('Clean Code', 'Robert C. Martin');

        $bookList = new BookList();

        $this->assertCount(0, $bookList);